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  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 6:3 – Teaching in accord with devoutness
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 6:3 – the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 6:2 – Better slaves
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 6:1 – slaves adorning the teaching
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:24,25 – All will be revealed
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:23 – a sip of whine
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:22 – placing of hands as a Jewish custom
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:22 – placing of hands as a Jewish custom
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:22 – thoughtful placing of hands
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:21 – Without prejudice or bias
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:20 – Two or three witnesses
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:19 – Two or three witnesses
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:18 – For Scripture is saying!
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:18 – Don’t muzzle a threshing ox
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:17– Double honor
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:16 – Care tasks
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:15 – After Satan
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:13,14– Useless of useful?
  14-06-2024 1 Timothy 5:11,12 – A frivolous promise?
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 5:10– Proven to be qualified
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 5:10– A helping hand
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 5:9– Selected widows
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 5:8– Disowned the faith
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 5:6,7– These things also charge
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 5:5– The real widow
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 5:3,4 – First at home
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 5:1 – As family
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:16 – The doctrine is no theory
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:15 – Progress
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:14 – Timothy’s charisma
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:13 – Give heed to reading
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:12 – Timothy as role model.
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:11 – These things be charging and teaching.
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:10 – Especially of Believers
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:10 – Saviour of all mankind
  03-04-2024 1 Timothy 4:10 – dead-end explanations
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:10 – Not an offer but a statement
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:10 – Paul’s mission statement
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:9 – Faithful is the saying!
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:8 – Beneficial for all
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:8 – the physical exercise
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:7 – Refusal versus exercise
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:6 – Fostering in the words of faith
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:5 – Hallowed through the word of God and pleading.
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:4 – Every creature of God is ideal
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:3 – To be partaken of with thanksgiving
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:3 – Compulsory asceticism
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:3 – Afraid or thankful
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:3 – Preventing to marry
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:2 – Cauterized conscience (2)
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:2 – Cauterized conscience
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:2 – Hypocrisy of false expressions
  08-02-2024 1 Timothy 4:2 – Hypocrisy
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 4:1 – Teachings of demons
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 4:1 – Keeping course
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 4:1 – Again “explicitly”
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 4:1 – The Spirit is saying explicitly
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:16 – Taken up in glory
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:16– Seen, heralded and believed
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:16– Flesh and Spirit
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:16– Which was manifested
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:16– Great is the secret!
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:16– As is avowed
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:15– Pillar and base of the truth
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:15– Ecclesia of the living God (2)
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:15– Ecclesia of the living God
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:14,15 – Behaving in God’s house
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:12,13 – Ideal service, how so?
  05-01-2024 1 Timothy 3:11 – Serving wives
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:10 – Tested first
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:9 – The secret of the faith
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:8 – Grave and respectable
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:8 – The servants
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:7 – An ideal testimony also from those outside
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:6 – No novice
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:4,5 – The household of a supervisor
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:2,3 – high-quality profile
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:2 – Irreprehensible, the husband of one wife.
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 3:1 – The ideal work of the supervisor
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 2:15 – Wholesome motherhood
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 2:15 – saved through the child bearing
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 2:14 – first and thereafter
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 2:13 – first and thereafter
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 2:13 – Adam first, thereafter Eve
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 2:12– Hierarchy of man and woman
  11-12-2023 1 Timothy 2:11– Is Paul discriminating
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:9,10– The adornment of women
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:8– Lifting up benign hands
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:7– herald, delegate and teacher of the nations
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:6– The testimony in its own eras
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:6– A ransom not a debt payment
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:6– A ransom for all
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:5– Óne Mediator
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:5– For there is óne God
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:3,4 – God wants all mankind to be saved
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:2 – Worthy of an ambassador
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:2 – A mild and quiet life
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:2 – Kings and superiors
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:1 – All mankind
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 2:1 – First of all
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:20 – Hymeneus and Alexander
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:19 – When does faith suffer shipwreck?
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:18 – The ideal warfare
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:17 – The only God
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:17 – The incorruptible and invisible God
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:17 – The King of the eons
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:16 – Paul as pattern
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:15 – To save sinners
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:14 – Overwhelming with faith and love
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:14 – Overwhelming and Irresistible
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:13 – Being ignorant
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:13 – Calumniator, persecutor and outrager
  08-11-2023 1 Timothy 1:12 – Grateful am I to Him
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:11 – With which I was entrusted
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:11 – The happy God (2)
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:11 – The happy God (1)
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:10,11 – The sound teaching in accord with the Evangel
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:10 – The sound teaching
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:10 – At odds with sound teaching
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:9 – The law laid down on sinners
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:9 – the law is not made for the righteous
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:8 – The lawful use of the law
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:7 – So called teachers of the law
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:6 – Swerved
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:5 – Unfeigned belief
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:5 – The consummation of the charge
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:4 – myths versus truth
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:4 – No attention to myths
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:3 – No different teaching
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:2 – To Timothy
  26-09-2023 1 Timothy 1:1 – According to the injunction of God
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:15 – Greetings and closure
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:14 – Not unfruitful
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:13 – Apollos
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:13 – Zenas the lawyer
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:12 – Tychicus
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:12 – To winter in Nicopolis
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:11 – A sectarian man (3)
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:10 – A sectarian man (2)
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:10 – A sectarian man (1)
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:9 – Strifes and fightings about law
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:9 – Stupid questionings and genealogies
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:8 Ideal acts
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:7 The word is trustworthy!
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:7 The expectation of eonian life
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:7 Our universal allotment
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:7 Enjoyers of the allotment
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:7 Justified in His grace
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:6 Poured out richly
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:6 The bath of renascence
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:5 According to His mercy
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:4 Yet when…
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:3 black&white
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:3 from bad to worse
  31-08-2023 Titus 3:2,3 Displaying modesty to all humanity
  13-07-2023 Titus 3:2 Slander and fighting vs lenience
  13-07-2023 Titus 3:1 Yielding, ready for every good work
  13-07-2023 Titus 3:1 Again subjection
  13-07-2023 Titus 3:1 Subject to sovereignties
  13-07-2023 Titus 2:15 With every injunction
  13-07-2023 Titus 2:14 Zealous for ideal acts
  13-07-2023 Titus 2:14 Cleansing for Himself a people
  13-07-2023 Titus 2:14 Christ giving Himself
  13-07-2023 Titus 2:13 the advent of the glory
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:13 the happy expectation!
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:12 worldly desires versus sanity
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:12 Irreverence versus devoutness
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:12 Disowning as biproduct
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:12 Grace training us.
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:11 All humanity!
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:10 Adorning the teaching
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:10 Adorning the teaching of God our Saviour
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:9 The message to the slaves
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:8 A sound uncensurable word 27-05-2023
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:7 uncorrupted and earnest in teaching
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:7 tendering to be a model
  26-06-2023 Titus 2:6 – Younger men
  26-06-2023 Is Jesus Christ the Creator of all things?
  02-06-2023 Titus 2:5 Young wives (3)
  02-06-2023 Titus 2:5 Young wives (2)
  02-06-2023 Titus 2:4 Young wives (1)
  02-06-2023 Titus 2:3 Aged women
  02-06-2023 Titus 2:2 Aged men
  02-06-2023 Titus 2:1 Now You!
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:16 Hypocritical talk
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:15 Clean in thinking and conscience
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:14 Turning from the truth
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:13 Sharp
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:12 A Cretan who speaks the truth
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:11 Who must be gagged
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:10 Vain babblers
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:9 To expose those who contradict
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:9 to entreat with sound teaching
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:9 Upholding the faithful word
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:8 Just, benign, self-controlled
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:8 Hospitable and sane
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:7 Contrast
  02-06-2023 Titus 1:7 Administrator of God
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:7 The supervisor
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:6 No children under accusation
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:6 Husband of one wife
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:6 Unimpeachable
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:5 elders, seniors
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:5 On this behalf
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:5 Left in Crete
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:4 Grace and peace
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:4 Titus my genuine child.
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:3 God our Saviour.
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:3 now heralded
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:2 Promised before times eonian.
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:2 The God, Who does not lie
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:2 In expectation of life eonian
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:1 Truth which accords with devoutness
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:1 The faith of God’s chosen
  28-04-2023 Titus 1:1 Paul, slave and apostle
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:23 Grace as the closing word
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:21,22 Greetings hence and forth
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:20 To our God and Father be glory!
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:19 In accord with His riches!
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:18 A well pleasing sacrifice to God
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:17 Sharing = multiplying
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:16 Unforgettable surprises
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:15 Solidary
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:14 Participants in Paul’s affliction
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:13 Strong in Him Who is invigorating me!
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:12 initiated among all
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:11 Self-sufficiency
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:10 To blossom at last
  26-04-2023 Philippians 4:9 Role model Paul
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:8 Positive thinking does not stand alone
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:7 As in a fortress
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:7 The peace of God
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:5 in everything, with thanksgiving
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:6 Worry about nothing
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:5 Compliance
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:4 Always rejoice!
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:3 Names in the scroll of life
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:2,3 The noses in one direction
  22-03-2023 Philippians 4:1 Honor and distinction
  22-03-2023 Philippians 3:21 His power
  22-03-2023 Philippians 3:21 Who will transform our bodies
  22-03-2023 Philippians 3:21 – humiliation versus glory
  22-03-2023 Philippians 3:20 our realm is in heaven
  22-03-2023 Philippians 3:19 Disposed to the terrestrial
  22-03-2023 Philippians 3:18 Enemies of the cross of Christ
  22-03-2023 Philippians 3:17 Paul’s fellow-imitators
  22-03-2023 Philippians 3:13,14– Óne Thing!
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:15,16– Following the same rule
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:14– The calling above in Christ Jesus
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:14– The prize of God’s calling
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:13,14– Not yet arrived
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:12– Not yet arrived
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:11– The resurrection out from among the dead
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:10,11– conforming to his death
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:10 – To know Him!
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:9– Righteousness from God!
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:8– Forfeit and refuse
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:7,8– How gain became loss
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:6– Almost perfect
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:6– with zeal, a persecutor of the ecclesia
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:5– In relation to law a Pharisee
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:5– In its purest form
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:4– Trust in flesh?
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:3– Flesh or Spirit?
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:2– Beware of the dogs!
  28-02-2023 Philippians 3:1– Rejoice!
  28-02-2023 Philippians 2:30– Risking his soul
  28-02-2023 Philippians 2:28,29 – Esteemed people
  28-02-2023 Philippians 2:26,27 – Count your blessings
  28-02-2023 Philippians 2:25 – Epaphroditus
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:23,24 – Waiting for the starting gun.
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:22 – tried and tested
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:20,21 – concerned and concerned is two
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:19 –eu psycho
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:18 –rejoicing and rejoicing together
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:17 –to be poured out
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:16 –For my glorying in the day of Christ
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:15,16 –Like stars in the night.
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:15– blameless, artless and flawless
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:14– All without murmurings
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:13– the willing and the working
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:12– With fear and trembling
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:11– For the glory of God the Father
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:10– In the name of Jesus
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:9– The name above every name
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:9– Highly exalted
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:8– Obedient unto the death of the cross
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:7– But Empties himself
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:6,7 – Being in the form of God
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:5,6 – the deposition of Christ Jesus
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:4 – Self-interest in perspective
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:3 – Self-interest versus humility
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:2 – Disposed to one
  03-02-2023 Philippians 2:1 – Consolation in Christ
  03-02-2023 Philippians 1:30 – suffering in struggles
  03-02-2023 Philippians 1:29 – grace and more grace
  03-02-2023 Philippians 1:28 – Do not be intimidated by opponents
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:27 – One front
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:27 – One spirit, one soul
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:27 – As ambassadors
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:26 – Superabounding glorying
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:25 – progress and Joy
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:23,24 – to be with Christ
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:22 – No human say
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:21 – For to me to be living is Christ
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:20 – Christ Magnified
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:19 – Paul’s prospect of release
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:18 – Count your blessings
  01-01-2023 Philippians 1:16,17 – Paul the apologist