a Bible with blue letters
03-10-2013 - Posted by Andre Piet Some editions of the Bible highlight the words of Jesus in the evangels with a red color. The idea is that the words of the most important Man in the Bible and throughout world history deserve our special attention. And that is undoubtedly true. He is the unique, only begotten Son of God. “There is one God and one Mediator of God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,” says Paul (1Tim.2:5). But if the words of Jesus, which He spoke on earth, are to be highlighted in red, then I suggest that the words which He has passed on to us from out of heaven, also be highlighted. This time in blue, I would say, for as red is the color of the earth, so is blue the color of the heavens (sky). “But”, I hear someone ask, “have we such words, then?”. The answer is: Yes, certainly! The same Jesus, who walked here on earth and gave instructions to the Jewish people, has spoken again, after He was raised from the dead and was exalted to God’s right hand. From out of heaven, He called a man who was on his way to Damascus, an enemy of Him. And precisely to this man, Jesus (now Christ Jesus) revealed many secrets. Paul was delegated to preach among the nations, on behalf of Him, “the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph.3:8). What this Paul, as a herald, announced and wrote in his letters are no less than Jesus’ own words. Now not spoken on earth, but from out of heaven. These are no words that were heard in the land of the Jews, but far abroad. No words that were exclusively for the house of Israel, but for the nations. No words from a humbled Jesus, but from an exalted Christ Jesus, “far above all governments, powers and authorities”. If Jesus’ words, while He was on earth, have so much weight, how much higher should we not regard the words which He spoke from out of heaven?! All Scripture is inspired of God, but should we not pay extra attention to the heavenly words, which the apostle Paul, as teacher of the nations, was privileged to record?