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Isaiah 9:7 – Jacob and Israel

03-04-2020 - Posted by Andre Piet

A word YAHWEH sent against Jacob, And it fell in Israel…

Jacob and Israel are two names for one person and one people. But the different use of both names is by no means arbitrary. Jacob represents the patriarch who spent his life obtaining the blessing of God. And did not shy away from anything. Even deceived his old and blind for it.

When Jacob has ended up abroad because of all his intrigues, he decides to return to the land of promise after a stay of twenty years. The land God had promised his grandfather Abraham and his father Isaac. But when Jacob then wants to cross the stream Jabbok, he meets a mysterious man in whom he recognizes God’s face (Penuel) and with whom he struggles all night. Jacob is beaten on the hip so that he would limp from now on. It is on this occasion that Jacob receives the name Israel: warrior of God.

Throughout Jacob’s life, God’s word had followed him. But Jacob himself thought he should do what God had promised him. Until he could no longer and had to stop trying. Then the word fell in Israel.
