07-12-2013 - Posted by Andre Piet ‘Working’ in the Bible (and especially with Paul) has the meaning of: doing something for wages (Rom.4:4). It stands opposite to grace, that, by definition, is ‘gratuitous’ {free} (Rom.3:24). If all is of grace, how then can Paul speak about ‘wages’ for a believer?
Now he who is planting and he who is irrigating are for one thing. Yet each will be getting his own wages according to his own toil. -1Corinthians 3:8-
If anyone’s work will be remaining which he builds on it, he will get wages. -1Corinthians 3:14-
Are we “justified gratuitously” in order to become employed by God for wages? Is there still something to be earned? But what will that do to the truth of gratuitous grace? The answer is surprisingly simple: God rewards us for what He works through us. Therefore, elsewhere it is called, “My wage” (Rev.22:12). Our works are not rewarded, but our gratuitous (voluntary) activities will be.
What, then, is my wage? That, in bringing the evangel, I should be placing the evangel without expense… -1Corinthians 9:18-
What does it mean to do something voluntarily (gratuitously)? It means realizing that you can do something as a privilege, for which you are very thankful to God. And that you, therefore, could not or would not have it any other way (Phip.2:13). Doing things for wages can also take on a religious form. Then we work for the Lord. But with that the Lord is not served nor pleased. What only will be rewarded is the work of the Lord.
So that, my beloved brethren, become settled, unmovable, superabounding in the work of the Lord always, being aware that your toil is not for naught in the Lord. -1Corinthians 15:58-
In the work of the Lord, man is as a hammer or chisel in the hand of the carpenter. An instrument in the work that He does. For this, He also gets all the credits. Our reward is the honor to be used in the work of the Lord, namely, when we stand in the victory that He gives through our Lord Jesus Christ (15:57). Paul steadfastly stood in this, that is, he thanked God constantly for that privilege. Consequently, the Lord abundantly worked through Him.
Yet, in the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace, which is in me, did not come to be for naught, but more exceedingly than all of them (= the fellow apostles) toil I — yet not I, but the grace of God which is with me. -1Corinthians 15:10-