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Thou Shalt (Not): Command Or Promise?

13-08-2015 - Posted by Andre Piet
Summary of a presentation in Zoetermeer on 25-7-1999
Scripture: Romans 9:30-10:3

images7 Zeal without recognition Judaism is extremely zealous in carrying out the law. And yet … the true sense of the Torah they do not understand, according to the Apostle Paul. He speaks of a zeal without recognition. And Paul knew what he was talking about. Romans 10: 2,3; Galatians 1:14 work instead of faith Despite all her zeal, Israel to the law did not attain. “Why not? Because it did not start out with faith but with works.” Israel assumed that the law should be worked rather than believed. It is this assumption that made them blind to the true meaning of the law. The law is essentially not a command, but a promise. A command ought to be obeyed. A promise should be believed. That is the difference! Romans 9:31-32 you will know … To Abraham it was said, “thou shalt be a father of many nations.” And to Israel it was said, “and you shall know that I am the LORD your God.” Are these assignments or promises?? Genesis 17:4; Ezekiel 36:11 you shall receive power Acts one verse eight is a good illustration of the meaning of “thou shalt.” It begins with “you shall receive power” and ends with “you shall be my witnesses.” Is the first a promise? Then, the second is as well. But how often is the expression, “you shall be my witnesses” not abused? As a big stick, it is used to send people with leaflets, onto the streets or to squeeze them into the mission field. You shall be holy The law says, “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.” Think about it. This is not a command, but a grandiose promise. Leviticus 19:2 “be holy” is INCORRECT Note: when we read in 1 Peter 1:16: “Be ye holy for I am holy,” that is a mistranslation. It should be translated as: “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” But the conventional view is not only incorrect, it degrades God’s work to the work of people. Sanctification is then self-sanctification. You might even say: sham holiness. Christianity, unlike Judaism? “Thou shalt” and “thou shalt not” are taken to this day as expressing a command. Even within traditional Christianity. She also starts with works instead of faith. when God speaks something happens! In the “Sermon on the Mount we hear:” You shall be perfect as my heavenly Father is perfect. “For those who believe this (as a promise), these words sound like an Evangel! When you put the emphasis correctly, an entirely new world opens up. Matthew 5:48 prophecies will be fulfilled, the law also People usually have more faith in their own work than in the power of the Word. They have no idea what the Word can do. God once said: “Let there be light and there was light”! Everything is made by Him. When God speaks something happens. Psalm 33:6,9 Prophecies are being fulfilled. But concerning “the law”, we read exactly the same. You know why? Because the law is prophecy. The law foretells. Matthew 5:17,18 The law is teaching The law, in its deepest sense, is not a collection of laws and requirements, but of instruction (Hebrew: Torah). Education of Who God is and what His works are. Man puts himself on a pedestal by the belief that the Bible is a manual for how we have to live. Isaiah 28:11-13 you shall find rest Jesus once expressed the invitation to religious Israel of His day: come to me all who are weary and burdened. Weary and why? Due to the heavy commandments that were laid on their shoulders by people. Jesus added, “‘I shall give you rest … and you shall find rest”. Matthew 23:4; Matthew 11:28,29
