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Romans 3:10,11 – No one…not even one 

28-10-2020 - Posted by Andre Piet

According as it is written, that “Not one is just” – not even one. Not one is understanding. Not one is seeking out God.

Now follows a passage in which Paul makes his point through numerous quotations from the Hebrew Bible. He mainly quotes from the Psalms but also from Proverbs, Genesis and Isaiah. The longest (free) quote is from Psalm 14: 1-3 and he starts with that (: 10 to 12).

The characterization that is given of the human being is not good. We must note that it is not just generalizing. Like: this is the general picture, with some exceptions. No, it is emphasized that no human being is excepted, “not even one”. But aren’t there people who do righteous things? Or who have insight into the essential things? Does the Bible have no examples of people who seek GOD (Hebrews 11: 6)? The answer is, insofar as these qualities are found in a person, it is because GOD shines his light in the heart.

Man is weak by himself and falls short of GOD’S glory (3:23). If a person seeks GOD, it is because GOD draws him. All boasting is therefore excluded. It’s GOD and GOD alone! 
