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Romans 11:36 – to Him be the glory

29-10-2021 - Posted by Hans

Seeing that out of Him and through Him and for Him is all: to Him be the glory for the eons! Amen!

The three Greek prepositions make it succinctly clear how “all things” relate to the one God. “All” proceeds out of God – He is the origin. The all also exists through God – He is the medium that carries and directs everything. The all is also into (for) God – He is the final destination. Just as everything comes from God, so everything also comes back to God.

It is this truth that glorifies God as GOD (Rom. 1:21). It answers not only the question of where creation came from but also the great mystery of the origin of evil (cf. Isa.45:7). There is nothing outside of GOD. And hence the God-willed final destination of every creature is assured in advance. Because who or what could stop this? After all, everything is out, through and into Him?

GOD Himself guarantees this universal and breathtaking perspective. With several eons, world eras, to go, the glorious outcome is absolutely certain. What a future! Every knee will kneel in adoration before “the consummation of the eons” before this incomparable Creator!
