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Romans 11:15– The taking back

15-09-2021 - Posted by Hans

For if their casting away is the conciliation of the world, what will the taking back be if not life from among the dead?

Israel’s “misstep” is a “stumble,” not a fall. And Israel’s current ‘deficit’ will be in ‘fullness.’ Paul reported earlier in verses 11 and 12. Here in verse 15 we read that Israel’s rejection (of the resurrected Messiah) is only an interlude. An interruption where in a roundabout way the wealth ends up with Israel via the nations. During this “pause,” a word of pure grace is sent to the nations. It is the message of “the conciliation of the world”. Yes, you read that right: “of the world”. No one excepted.

Israel is temporarily set aside and the nations take precedence today. So that the first becomes last and the last becomes first. Not Esau but Jacob. Not Rachel but Leah. Not Manasseh but Ephraim. A recognizable Biblical phenomenon.

But this division of roles is not definitive. The promises to Israel have of course not expired and one day Israel’s rejection will give way to “the taking back”. Soon in trouble the people will call on the name of YAHWEH, and He will also hear. “And they will look to Him whom they stabbed…the only Son” (Zech.12:10).
