Faith … through Him
16-10-2011 - Posted by Andre Piet In the previous blog I responded to a broadcast of Hour of Power in which it was claimed that Peter was sinking in the sea due to lack of self-confidence. Today I want, in confirmation of what I wrote about this, refer to a clarification which Peter himself gave, after a lame man was healed, at the Beautiful Gate. A crowd thronged together due to this miracle that had taken place. Then Peter speaks to them and says:
Men! Israelites! Why are you marveling at this? Or why at us are you looking so intently, as if by our own power or devoutness we had made him walk? Acts 3:12
Everyone stared at him (and John), but Peter wants, above all, to make it clear that this miracle had not happened by faith in his own power or piety. Through which had it happened, then?
And in the faith of His name, His name gives stability to this man whom you are beholding, with whom, also, you are acquainted, and the faith which is through Him, gives him this unimpaired soundness in front of you all. Acts 3:16
The faith, by which this miracle had occurred, was not of man. Unfortunately, almost all translations render it: “faith in His name”, but it says literally: “the faith of His Name”. This means: even faith is not our own accomplishment, but is the confidence that He works in us. As the second part of 3:16 makes clear: “the faith which is through Him, gives him this unimpaired soundness…”. Our faith is his achievement! He convinces us. “… Lest anyone should boast!” (Eph.2:8.9). ——————————— translation: Peter Feddema