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2 Timothy 1:11 – Teacher of the nations

12-05-2020 - Posted by Andre Piet

…Christ Jesus, Who, indeed, abolishes death yet illuminates life and incorruption through the evangel of which I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher of the nations.

The message that Paul was allowed to make known worldwide is phenomenal! It speaks of Christ Jesus who overcame death and guarantees that death (as the last enemy) will be abolished. He does this by vivifying all people, just as he himself was vivified as Firstfruits in incorruption (1Cor.15: 22-28). And when all are vivified (each in their own order), then there is no more death. This is the crux of the good news that Paul was allowed to proclaim.

Paul mentions three functions in which he was appointed. As a herald, he was going to make the good news known wherever he went. As a delegate of Christ Jesus, he was directly authorized to speak on behalf of Christ Jesus Himself. The signs and wonders he did confirmed that. And as a teacher of nations, he was set to teach the nations. No one among the nations who wants to be trained in God’s school and understand the scriptures can ignore the teacher Paul. We are informed by him!
