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1 Timothy 6:3 – the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ

14-06-2024 - Posted by Hans

If anyone is teaching differently and is not approaching with sound words, even those of our Lord Jesus Christ…

As in the beginning of this letter (1:3), Paul again warns against teaching “another teaching.” Or perhaps better: a different kind of doctrine (Gr. hetero-didaskaleo). That is teaching that does not conform to “the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ”. These healthy words almost always bring to mind what Jesus said during his walk on earth. That is an unhealthy limitation and overlooks the words that the glorified Lord has made known. The formulation “Lord Jesus Christ” also refers to this, because through his resurrection and ascension, Jesus was made Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36).

When Paul was called on the road to Damascus, the glorified Christ would appear to him afterwards (Acts 26:16). That is why Paul did not consult flesh and blood, nor did he travel to Jerusalem, but he went to Arabia (Gal.1:16,17). The Gospel that he preached among the nations he had expressly “not received nor taught by man, but by revelation of Jesus Christ” (Gal. 1:22). The words that Paul passed on and recorded were not his own, but those of the Lord Jesus Christ. Up-to-date and straight from above!
