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1 Timothy 6:11 – Now You…!

10-07-2024 - Posted by Hans

Now you, O man of God, flee from these things: yet pursue righteousness, devoutness, faith, love, with endurance, suffering and meekness.

“Now you” sounds here as a call to go like a fish against the stream (cf. 2Tim.3:10; 4:5). Paul just warned against the intention to become rich and especially against those who ‘sell’ (!) this with a supposedly pious motive. Love of money is always a bad trait, but nowhere is it more offensive than when it is surrounded by religious words. Asking for money (read: begging) is also completely established in the Christian world. Paul never did this, on the contrary, he made it a point to preach the Gospel freely. He urges Timothy to do the same and to keep away from religious charlatans and bread prophets.

As a “man of God” Timothy would radically distance himself from all practices of greed for money. But this escape is only the negative side. The positive side is that he would “pursue righteousness, devoutness, faith, love with endurance suffering and meekness.” Pursue indicates conscious, active and persistent pursuit. Here too, the association comes to mind of a fish going against the current to get somewhere. That requires spiritual strength. It is the Scriptures that fully equip the “man of God” in this regard (2Tim.3:17)!
