applause from God
05-07-2013 - Posted by Andre Piet In the previous blog, we saw that Paul went for “the first prize”. In response, I received the question, if it is so black and white that one obtains, either the first prize or no prize, at all, are there no gradations? As befits a good athlete, Paul went only for “gold”. But that does not mean that there are no more prizes to be given. The idea is that later, at the “bema” (the ‘winners’ podium), it will become known what was of imperishable value in our life (2Cor.5:10). All the wood, hay and straw of our own works will go up in smoke, but gold, silver and precious stones, will endure the fire test (1Cor.3:12,13). Not the sins of the believers will be recalled (that simply is impossible), but what He reckons to be good will become known. At the “bema”, there will not be any condemnation, but a handing out of awards!
Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall EVERY MAN have praise of God. -1Cor.4:5- (KJV)
Please note: EACH will receive his praise from God. The Concordant Version speaks of: “applause from God”. Paul writes this, nota bene, to an ecclesia that is generally known as being “carnal” (3:3). But be there much or little applause, God will reward all what His Word (gold, silver and precious stones) in and through us has produced. The Lord will award a prize to His own work!
So that, my beloved brethren, become settled, unmovable, superabounding in THE WORK OF THE LORD always, being aware that your toil is not for naught in the Lord. -1Corinthians 15:58-