All you need is…
28-03-2014 - Posted by Andre Piet 1Corintians 13 is a very famous hymn extolling love. But how well-known is it, anyway? The Greek word that Paul uses for love (agapé) distinguishes itself from other forms of love, because it is not based on passion (eros) and neither on the properties of others (phileo). It speaks of “the love of God” (Rom.5:5) that includes every creature, unconditionally. Every creature is, after all, His handiwork, that He will not forsake. Because ‘agape’ is God’s love, man can only walk in that love, if he knows God. Agapé is not an emotion nor a philanthropy. A man may hand out all his belongings and even sacrifice his body (13:3), but without knowing God’s love, it means nothing (13:1). This love is not an ideal, but a given! Living in that love means: looking at the other through the eyes of God. Then you will see a creature who is loved, infinitely and unconditionally. It is GOD who gives every creature a place. That is, after all, what makes Him to be GOD: theos, the Placer. Agape is the realization that HE gives everything and everyone its destiny. He is the Savior of all (1Tim.4:10). That is why this love never fails (13:8). It is this love of God that makes us patient, expels envy and endures all and does not become bitter. This love has for everything faith and expectation (13:7)! All you need is (this) LOVE …