Titus 1:6 Unimpeachable
28-04-2023 - Posted by HansIf anyone is unimpeachable, the husband of one wife, having believing children, not under the accusation of profligacy or insubordinate
Titus was instructed by Paul to appoint elders in Crete city by city (that is, in each city). Not at random, but men who meet certain characteristics to be suitable as supervisors. In verses 6 and 7, Paul lists seven negative qualifications: qualities that (except for one) begin with the word “not” or “un.” In verses 8 and 9, Paul supplements this with seven positive qualifications that these elders would meet.
The first requirement of the aspiring supervisor that Paul lists is: unimpeachable. The verb “to impeach” is primarily a legal term: to charge to indict (Acts 18:38; 23:28). It goes without saying that it is virtually impossible for someone, who has been indicted, to lead.
Before we go further in discussing all the qualities Paul mentions, it might be good to underline that these are job requirements of supervisors (1:7). Several properties may be generally desirable (not even all of them!), but that’s not the point here. They are requirements for suitable and credible oversight. The fact that not everyone fits that profile is no reason to feel guilty. “Who will be indicting God’s chosen ones? God the justifier?”