three phases of making alive (vivification)
20-08-2015 - Posted by Andre Piet QUESTION: A question in connection with 1 Corinthians 15:22-24. Here we read about vivification at 3 different times. Christ, those who are in Christ and the end. Those who are in Christ will be vivified at the beginning of the coming eon. Then we read in Revelation 20 about the “white throne” judgment. You wrote in your study on the second death, there will be those whose names will be in the book of life. So, they are at that moment raised to life – but that suggests four phases of vivification. I do not understand that. ANSWER: The vivification of all who die in Adam, will, according to Paul (1) be in three classes, as follows:
- Christ the Firstfruit;
- afterward those who are of Christ, in His parousia;
- then the end
Please note: “vivification” means “a resurrection to immortal, incorruptible life”. Thus far, only Christ Jesus possesses it. Between the Firstborn and the “afterward” is already 2000 years. In Christ’s parousia all who “are of Christ” will be roused and vivified. Remember that “parousia” is not just one moment. The word does not mean “arrival” but literally means ‘presence’. The parousia of Christ is a period of time in which there will be a series of vivifications of all those who are Christ’s. In the first place, a vivification at the time of ‘the snatching away’ (2). Later, the vilification of the martyrs killed during the tribulation (3). Then will also be the vivification of the righteous, such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and of people like Daniel (4). After the thousand years are the resurrection of “the rest of the dead” (5). Remarkably, those who are called up at this occasion, are still “the dead” (6). The reason for this is that they still (or again) are ephemeral mortals. This is also evident by the following: those whose names are not in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire, “which is the second death” (7). The way Revelation 20:15 is worded, suggests also that there are people standing, whose name still stands in the book of life (i.e., their name has not been erased there; (8)) They will, in a transitory body, inherit the new earth. Because of access to the tree of life, they will therefore, enjoy healing and life (9). The entire last eon will focus on the last, remaining enemy that will be destroyed: death. On the one hand are the peoples who need healing from the tree of life. On the other hand, there is the category of people who are in the “second death” and to whom the glory of the last eon passes them by. Both categories of people are not, as yet, vivified as is Christ, the First fruit, i.e. made alive beyond the reach of death, in glory and power (10). The finishing touch of Christ’s reign consists of Him abolishing death, which means that all the remaining people (perhaps billions of them!) will receive the imperishable, glorious life of Christ, Himself. Now, if in the end all will have been vivified, then death is truly abolished. Christ’s mission will have been 100% successfully completed. For all those who were once mortal in Adam, are made alive in Him. Not excepting even one man! After this supreme moment, Christ will transfer the crown to His Father, Who had given it to Him. Then God will be “all in all”. footnotes: (1) 1Cor.15:22-28 (2) 1Thes.4:13-18 (3) Rev.20:4 (4) Luke 13:28; Dan.12:2, 12,13 (5) Rev.20:5 (6) Rev.20:12 (7) Rev.20:15 (8) Ps.69:28 (9) Rev.22:2 (10) 1Cor.15:42