The One And Only God
06-08-2015 - Posted by Andre Piet the only ‘dogma’ of Israel The so-called “Shema,” Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one “is a Bible verse that every day plays a leading role in the Jewish liturgy. They, literally, arise in the morning to say the Shema and in the evening lay down saying the Shema. The first thing a Jewish child learns, at the age of five, is ‘the Shema’. It are also the last words spoken in the hour of death. Orthodox Jews were mumbling, ‘the Shema’ as they entered Hitler’s gas chambers. Deuteronomy 6:4; “One could call the oneness of God, the only” dogma “of Israel.” according to Pinchas Lapide in “the Lord thy God is one” (page 15). the Shema is … everything! The ‘Shema’ is written in the phylacteries (tefillin),on the hand and between the eyes. It is written on the doorposts and on gates (mezuzah). All of Jewish life is steeped in the ‘Shema’. There is no truth as fundamental as that of the unity (oneness) of God. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 the first commandment When it came to the place and the significance of the ‘Shema’ in Judaism, Jesus confirmed this in full. He also calls the “Shema ‘ “the first commandment.” Mark 12:28-32 Elohim – yet singular The fact that the usual Hebrew word for God is plural (Elohim) has caused many to come to the conclusion that, here, it obviously is referring to more than one person. Not correct. In that case, verbs, associated with God, would also be conjugated in the plural. Then it would, e.g. not be: “Elohim creates”, but “Elohim created.” The single conjugation, however, shows abundantly clear that it concerns one person. thrice holy God is one, but He let Himself, nevertheless, be known in several ways. More than once we read: “the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” Why not much shorter, “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”? It still is about one God, is it not? Yes, but the three patriarchs knew God each in a very different way. Abraham knew Him as God Who leads forth, Isaac as a God who saves him, while Jacob had come to know Him as the warring Angel. One God, but different appearances. We read in Isaiah 6 and in Revelation 4, that before the throne of God the call is made: “Holy, holy, holy …”. The clarification is given right there and then: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was (1) and who is (2) and Who comes (3).” Matthew 22:32; Isaiah 6: 3; Revelation 4: 8 a god who creates good and a god who creates evil? Zarathustra, or Zoroaster was the founder of the religion of the ancient Persian empire. He taught that there were two gods. A god of good and a god of evil. These competed against each other and the human is involved in that fight. This doctrine is at odds with what the Scripture teaches. Through Isaiah, God says: “I am the Lord, and there is none else, I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Isaiah 45:6,7; Deuteronomy 32:39 a good God creates evil – why? God is good but he is, nonetheless, the Creator of evil. Not because He wants evil for itself, but because evil is necessary to make known the good. Evil provides the necessary black background for God to reveal the light of His goodness. Life against the background of death. Grace against the background of sin. Mercy against the background of misery. Love against the background of enmity and alienation. Etc. John 9: 3 necessary evil If evil would not be necessary, then God would have never given it a place. A good God does not intend to be evil. If there is evil, nevertheless, this can mean only one thing: it is a necessary evil. Namely, necessary in view of the goal He has set, Himself. knowledge of good and evil Knowledge of good and evil is not, separately, available. When man ate of the forbidden fruit, the man received knowledge of good and evil. Not only of evil, but also (and even in the first place!) of good. Adam and Eve had much that was good, but they had no knowledge of what was good. That, they would only learn to know through the process of disobedience and sin. Genesis 2:17 one God, consequently NOTHING will go wrong Because there is only one God, there can, by definition, nothing go wrong. If the origin of evil had come about apart from God (as a kind of industrial accident), then God would have made a mistake. Do you realize how dramatic this idea is? Because if it ever could go wrong in the past, what guarantee do we have that it will not go wrong again, in the future? evil in good hands! God created the adversary (satan), of whom it is written that he “sinned from the beginning.” God Himself has brought “that old serpent” into existence. There never went anything wrong. Evil is in good hands! 1John 3:8; Isaiah 54:16; Job 26:13 (literally says here. “His hand suffered birth pains for the serpent …”) when the one God swears In Isaiah 45 we read: for I am El, and there is none else. By Myself I swear. From My mouth fares forth righteousness, and My word shall not be recalled. For to Me shall bow every knee, and every tongue shall acclaim to Elohim.” Note that here it says “every tongue” and not “every lip.” Lip service is just from the outside and to it He attaches no value. Isaiah 45: 22-23 (compare Isaiah 29:13 “… This people honors me with their lips …”). the doctrine of free will is polytheism Because there is one God, there is only one who has determines everything. If God promises under oath that every tongue will acclaim Him, it will happens. Period. Why “free will”? As if God does not have control over the will of man! The doctrine of free will is pure polytheism (polytheism = acknowledging multi-gods), in which man is ‘promoted’ to a deity who can decide his final destiny. God determines… everything In Philippians 2, Paul refers to Isaiah 45. Every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth, shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Not by force, but to the glory of God the Father! However much God has made this promise under oath, almost no one can believe it… Why not? Fundamentally, because it is not believed that there is only one God (= One Proposer, One Placer). Philippians 2:10,11 One God, the Father Paul writes that there is only “one God, the Father.” Elsewhere, he calls him “immortal, invisible, the only God.” Jude calls him “.. the only God.” And Jesus addressed Him as “the only true God”. 1 Corinthians 8:6; John 17:3; Jude 25; 1Tim.1:17 (“One God” – in the Greek here says “mono theo” from which our word “monotheism” has come). attacks on the biblical monotheism The doctrine of the Trinity is, even as the mystification of the origin of evil and the doctrine of free will, an outright denial of biblical monotheism. They fights against, namely, that “there is one God, the Father.” God’s Icon The Bible speaks dozens of times about “God the Father”, but never about God the Son. Rather, He is, invariably, called the Son of God. This “Son of God’s love” is named “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.” The word for ‘image’ is literally ‘icon’. God is invisible and the first of every creature He has brought forth as an icon of Himself. An icon who perfectly represents and depicts “the only invisible God”. Such is the unique glory of the Son of God’s love! Colossians 1:15 (note: there is only one image of God. The Son of God’s love. Adam was created in accord with this Image of God) Deity of Christ – figurative The emperor was seen on the coin that was shown in the famous debate about paying taxes. Obviously not literally, but an effigy (Gr. Icon) of him. In parallel, the Scriptures teach that God is seen on many occasions. Moses saw Him from behind. Isaiah saw Him in a vision. Gideon saw Him. Etc. Nevertheless, the Scriptures say, as many times, that no one has ever seen God. The solution to this apparent contradiction is that where God is seen, His image (icon) was seen. In other words: the Son of God’s love. The Deity of the Son is correctly an expression in figurative language. Matthew 22:20; John 1:18 one God who wants all mankind to be saved “God wants all men to be saved (…) because there is one God …” as Paul wrote to Timothy. Christian orthodoxy states: God wants all mankind to be saved, but if the person does not want it, it will not happen. The inevitable conclusion is that there is not one, but billions of gods… 1Timothy 2:4 Paul’s mission statement Paul is called as a herald and teacher of the nations, trumpeting the truth of the One God. The One God who wills all mankind to be saved. The One God with whom never anything goes wrong, because He determines everything. The One God, Who reveals Himself in the one Mediator, Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself a ransom for all.