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The Division Key Of The 'New Testament'

10-08-2015 - Posted by Andre Piet
Summary of A study on Galatians 2:7-9

images_12 OT for Israel & NT for the Church? The labels we use to divide the Scriptures are quite useless. This applies to both the Old and New Testaments. In the first place, the word “testament” does not at all agree with original meaning of the term “covenant. Point two: the “Old Covenant” does not begin at Genesis 1, only thousands of years later with the receiving of the tables of stones. Point three: she does not end with the final chapter of Malachi, but at the earliest at the crucifixion of Christ. So, somewhere halfway through our “New Testament”. It is more correct to speak of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. Jeremiah 31:31 read more >> The prevailing thought in Christendom is that the “Old Testament” deals with Israel and the “New Testament” with the Church. Nothing is less true! The “New Testament” is, for the most part, purely for Israel. When Paul writes about Israel, he writes: “Theirs are the covenants.” I.e. not only the old, but the new covenant as well. Romans 9:4 Jesus’ message NOT for the nations… Jesus says to a foreign woman: “I am not sent, but only unto the lost sheep of the house of Israeliii…. it is not good to take the children’s bread (Israel’s) and to cast it to the dogs” (i.e. the Nations). The message of Jesus, in the Evangels, is bread for Israel and not for the Nations. Matthew 15:24-26 Christ, on earth, was a “Servant of circumcision” writes the apostle of the nations. Romans 15:8 two Evangels? In Galatians 2, Paul speaks of two Evangels of the same Lord. To Paul was entrusted “the evangel uncircumcision” and to Peter was entrusted “the evangel of the circumcision”. The NIV translators have stashed this difference by translating “the Evangel to the uncircumcised,” and “the Evangel to the circumcised” But the original text makes it very clear that it does not just involve two different audiences, but two different Evangels. Galatians 2:7; the KJV is indeed correct! what went wrong with the Galatians? The misery in the churches of the Galatians was that they mixed “the Evangel of the uncircumcision with “the Evangel of the circumcision.” The message of Peter and James (with a prominent place for the Jewish customs) was mixed with Paul’s message to the nations. Concerning that, Paul says, “that is not an Evangel.” Galatians 1: 6 Christianity, as a religion, was born from a mix of “the evangel of the uncircumcision” with “the evangel of the circumcision”. A mix of a little bit of Paul and a little bit of James, Peter and John. Is it not characteristic that hundreds of millions of Christians regard Peter as the head of the Gentile church? While Scripture calls him properly “apostle of the circumcision“?! the uniqueness of Paul’s Evangel Until today, the uniqueness of Paul’s Evangel is rarely recognized in the Christian world. In Galatians 1, the apostle argues that his calling and ministry is separate from that of “the twelve” in Jerusalem. In other places, he even speaks of “my gospel.” Galatians 1:11-24; Romans 2:16; 16:25; 2Timothy 2:8. The term “Evangel of the uncircumcision” indicates that to Paul was entrusted a pagan (non-Jewish) message, entirely outside the law and the Jewish customs. A Message of pure free benefits (gratuitous). Why? He himself writes that “I, if possible, might awaken the jealousy of my flesh and blood”. The apostle did, with his message of pure grace, nothing else than, everywhere among his people arouse jealousy. Romans 11:14; Romans 10:19. the layout of the “New Testament” According to the solemn agreement at the Apostle’s meeting Paul was to go to the nations, while James, Peter and John to the “the circumcision”. Galatians 2:9 is the key text for the classification of the NT. This text is from which the order of the books taken in the NT. But much more importantly, the addressing of the NT writings, here, is set, in order, with one stroke of the pen.

Note: James, Peter and John did NOT write general (Catholic) letters, as everyone seems to think, but circumcision-writings. Documents for Israel and the synagogue.

It has often been tried to harmonize Paul with James. But it cannot really be done. Both had a ministry from God, BUT in a totally different ‘setting’. They are two different instruments, each with its own sound … led by one Conductor. James addresses his letter to “the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.” To people who came together in the synagogue, and who knew the use of anointing oil and vows. 2:2 does not speak of “the assembly” (NIV), but the synagogue; 5:14 (anointing oil); 5:15 “prayer of faith” is literally “vow of faith” Peter the apostle of … Israel! Peter’s letters are addressed to the “strangers scattered abroad”. To Jews in the Diaspora. He calls them a “chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation …”. Only Israel fulfills these qualifications. 1Peter 1:1; 2Peter 2:9 Exodus 19:5,6 To Peter were entrusted the keys of the Kingdom. It is he who opens, in crucial occasions in the book of Acts, the door. In Judea (Chapter 2), in Samaria (chapter 8) and “the end of the earth” (chapter 10). In Caesarea he unlocks the Kingdom for a “stranger in the gates”: Cornelius and his household. Matthew 16:19 The seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 are not heathen churches, but Messianic synagogues. These Jews are warned of “the synagogue of Satan, those who say they are Jews and are NOT”. The “angel of the church” refers to a known function in the synagogue, the so-called Sjeliach Tsibboer (=messenger of the community) or chazan. Revelation 3:9
