Psalm 139:16 – God as Author
13-03-2025 - Posted by Geert-JanOriginally posted on March 12, 2025 - by Andre Piet
… Thine eyes saw mine unformed substance, And in Thy book all of them were written, The days they were formed—And not one among them.
In Psalm 139, GOD is presented as the Author of the script that was already prepared before we were born. Everything was already recorded in it.
An author creates a world that he can shape entirely according to his own will. The setting, the time, events, characters, choices that are made—the entire storyline is completely up to him. And if he masters his craft well, he leaves nothing to chance. He employs contrasts, good and evil, joy and sorrow, to shape his story. Everything serves a purpose!
The scenario begins with a setup, the introduction. Then follows the drama, where things ‘go wrong’—an illness, a death, an accident, a crime, or a war. As terrible as these may be, every author needs drama for his story. It is a necessary ingredient in any well-written script. And as the final act in the three-part structure, the climax follows. The better the author, the more surprising the resolution, in which everything gains meaning and purpose. Though everything initially seemed hopeless, a happy ending follows.
Would the Creator of heaven and earth do any less? He, too, writes an all-encompassing story—His Story!