Israel and Palestine There are very few people as those of Israel and the Palestinians, who already for several decades have appeared on the front pages of newspapers. When in 1948 the state of Israel came into being, another “people” presented itself at the same time: the Palestinians. I’m placing
people within quotation marks, because up to that time the Palestinians were not reckoned as a distinct group of people. They were Arabian inhabitants of the land of Palestine, nothing more. Never before did they form an independent nation.
In focus This past Friday, the Palestinian president, Mahmud Abbas, has presented a request, to the United Nations, for Palestine to be admitted as a full-fledged member to this organization of nations. With this request the Palestinians aim to cause international pressures to be put on Israel. Although more than the majority of countries are in favor of this petition, it is expected that it will not pass, since the United States of America will exercise its veto power. However, the tensions will most likely increase.
futile politics While all the attention is always focused on the political complexity of the story, this aspect you will never read about on GoedBericht. The reason for this is that, according to Biblical norms, the Jewish state, as well as the Palestinians, unjustly claim their right to the land. The land belongs to YAHWEH and He has promised to give it to Israel as soon as it repents and turns to Him (Deut. 30:1-10). Till that time, there will only be a continuous and fruitless struggle concerning the land.
amazing! Is it not amazing that a tiny piece of land in the Middle East, for more than half a century already, has had a judo-lock-grip on world events? And is it not also amazing that on the one side of the conflict stands the Jewish state and on the other side the same arch-rival as thousands of years ago: the Philistines or, if you prefer, the Palestinians? (in Hebrew it is the same name). The Philistines, even as in the past, have established themselves in the Gaza strip. But the most amazing thing, undoubtedly, is that the entire scenario was already written down thousand of years ago, in black on white, in the writings of the prophets! In the end time, there would be an improbable Jewish nation, surrounded by people whose aim is her destruction. One of those people would be: the Palestinians (Ps 83; Joel 3:1-4).
end result Also the end result I will give away and share with you. While the world before very long will become infatuated with a ‘giant’ among the ‘Palestinians’, the eventual conflict will be settled by the Son of David. The giant will be felled by a stone from above. Think of the gigantic image in Daniel 2, that after four worldwide kingdom powers was pulverized by a stone that was ‘cut loose apart from the hands of man’. Indeed, why did David seek out
five stones in the riverbed to strike down Goliath? (1Sam.17:40).