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Does Paul speak of ‘homosexuals’?

25-03-2025 - Posted by Geert-Jan
Originally posted on April 16, 2024 - by Andre Piet

The Nederlands Dagblad (Dutch newspaper) published an article plus video in which it is claimed that in various Bible translations (among others, het Boek – The Book, Dutch translation) there is an incorrect reference to ‘homosexuals’. It concerns the Greek word ‘arsenokoites’ in the passages 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10. The NBG translation renders this word as ‘boy abusers’ and the Statenvertaling as “those who lie with men.” What is the matter here? Let us set out some important facts.

Word composition

The Greek word ‘arsenokoites’ is composed of the elements ‘male’ (Gr. arsen) and ‘a person lying down’ (Gr. koite). From the latter part comes our word ‘coitus’. That is, sexual intercourse. Incidentally, the word ‘a person lying down’ in Greek is also masculine. Purely from the word composition, the term refers to a man who lies with a man. This is also how the Statenvertalers rendered it. In this, ‘to lie’ is a euphemism for sex, comparable to our expression ‘to go to bed with…’

A new word

When we investigate the word ‘arsenokoites’ (Strong’s number 733), it quickly becomes apparent that this word is not found anywhere else in Greek literature before or during the time of Paul. So, in trying to determine the meaning of the word through extra-biblical usage, we reach a dead end. Paul himself apparently introduced the word. The question therefore arises: how did Paul come up with this new word?

Derived from Leviticus

Virtually all lexicons refer in this context to the Greek translation (LXX, the Septuagint) of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. And indeed, the connection with those passages is unmistakable. Below is a screenshot from the Greek text:

What do interlinear bible verses in Leviticus and Corinthians say about homosexuality?

Even for those not familiar with the Greek language, the similarity between the two fragments is hard to miss. The word ‘arsenokoites’ is a contraction of the same words as in Leviticus 20, and even in the same order! By using the word ‘arsenokoites’, Paul unmistakably refers to Leviticus 18 and 20, thereby emphasizing how God views this behaviour.

A man who lies with someone of the male sex (LXX: arsenos koiteen), as one lies with a woman—both of them have done an abomination…
– Leviticus 20:13 –


It is true: according to Paul, believers today are “not under the law” (1 Cor. 9:20). But the reference to Leviticus 18 and 20 does not imply that at all. That this provision is recorded in the law of Moses is because it concerns a rule that goes back long before Moses—back to Noah, yes, even to Adam. From the creation of Adam and Eve, it has been the case that sexual union (“being one flesh”) is intended for a man and his wife (Gen. 2:24; cf. Matt. 19:8 and 1 Cor. 6:16). That has never been otherwise. In other words, the condemnation of homosexuality in Leviticus is not a specifically Mosaic rule. It is a universal principle.

Theological twisting

Today, many theologians try to evade the clear teaching of Scripture with the reasoning that such passages only refer to homosexuality in the context of idolatry, prostitution, or rape. These are unfounded excuses—evasions that merely stem from the difficulty people have with the plain statements of Scripture.

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