Colossians 2: 8 – Beware!
10-12-2024 - Posted by HansBeware that no one shall be despoiling you through philosophy and empty seduction, in accord with human tradition, in accord with the elements of the world, and not in accord with Christ.
If the core of this letter becomes clear anywhere, it is in this verse. Paul had heard very nice reports about the Colossians from Epaphras. From the day they received the Gospel, it bore fruit among them (1:6). Paul saw with joy the order and stability of their faith in Christ (2:5) and wanted to share his gratitude for it with them. Yet there was also urgency that compelled him to write this letter; he saw dark clouds gathering over Colossae.
There were active preachers who successfully drew people into their story. Paul warns against these people because they took people as plunder through deceptive reasoning, as if they were kidnappers. He did not consider it inconceivable that his readers could also be susceptible to such reasoning. We will see exactly what this entailed, but first let us determine what Paul believed was at stake. In short: Christ. The deceptive teachings would lead the Colossians away from Him “in whom are concealed all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (2:3).