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Colossians 1: 6 – Realizing the grace of God in truth

10-09-2024 - Posted by Hans

… as in the entire world also, is bearing fruit and growing, according as it is among you  also, from the day on which you hear and realized the grace of God in truth…

It is inherent in “the word of the truth of the Evangel” that it bears fruit and grows in everyone who hears and believes. This is how it proved itself all over the world and therefore also among the Colossians.

In verse 5 we read that the Colossians heard “the word of the truth of the evangel,” and in verse 6 that they “realized the grace of God in truth.” Truth is central to both expressions. The Colossian ecclesia was threatened by philosophy and tradition that claimed that Christ alone was not sufficient (Col. 2:8). Rituals and customs were promoted on the grounds that they would enrich faith. A subtle fallacy since in Christ all the treasures of wisdom and riches are hidden (Col.2:3).

The Colossians had “realized the grace of God in truth” from day one. This truth means that every person is complete in Christ (Col. 1:28). There is nothing to detract from or add to God’s grace. The Colossians realized this from day one. Only this message is vital, makes it bear fruit and grow.
