Colossians 1: 28 – Whom we are announcing
10-12-2024 - Posted by Hans… Christ among you, the expectation of glory! Whom we are announcing, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we should be presenting every man mature in Christ Jesus.
The essence of the message that Paul made known to the world is not philosophy or tradition, not law or ritual, but Someone! A man who, as the firstborn from the dead, is today seated at God’s right hand. He is “the Son of God’s love” and “the image of the invisible GOD”. Yes, He is the promised Christ who is now hidden among the nations in “the ecclesia that is His body.” But make no mistake: He is “the hope of glory”!
Everything connected with Christ is hidden today. Our life is also hidden with Him in God (Col.3:3). That is not a failure, but entirely “according to God’s purpose”. For the fact that Christ is “the expectation of glory” implies that the glory will be revealed in the future (Col.3:4). For expectation being observed is not expectation(Rom.8:24).
The message that Paul conveyed is extensive. In fact, it is comprehensive! For nothing and no one is excluded from it (Col.1:20). What unimaginable glory God has in store for every person through Christ! And therefore: Him we proclaim!