Colossians 1: 27 – Christ among the nations
10-12-2024 - Posted by HansTo whom God wills to make known what er the glorious riches of the secret among the nations, which is Christ among you, the expectation of glory!
Previously, Paul wrote that he had been entrusted with the task of completing God’s word. He does this by revealing the secret that has been concealed for eons and generations. But what is the content of the secret? Paul answers that question in this verse.
But before we go into what was previously secret about the coming Christ, we must first ask what exactly was known about Him. Well, the prophets foretold that the Messiah would emerge from the lineage of David and that He would rule worldwide over a faithful people of Israel from Jerusalem. That is the expectation that the Jewish people have traditionally had and still have today. And rightly so!
But how different the situation has been in the past two thousand years! The Messiah has come, yes! But the people did not recognize and acknowledge Him. And today, instead of ruling openly from Jerusalem, the Christ is hidden…among the nations. Who could have ever thought that?! This has been kept hidden for eons and generations.