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Colossians 1: 13 – The Son of His love

10-09-2024 - Posted by Hans

… and transports us into the kingdom of the Son of His love…

The intimate name “the Son of his love” is certainly not arbitrary here. Because from verse 15 Paul will put the spotlight on who Christ Jesus is and what He means to his God and Father. God has many sons (Heb. 2:10) but Christ Jesus is “the Son” and also “the only begotten Son.” Only one human being was begotten by God himself and is therefore rightly called “the Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:35). In addition, as “the Son” He is also “the Firstborn of every creature” (Col. 1:15), in other words, the highest heir.

However, Christ Jesus is not only “the Son” but above all also “the Son of God’s love”. This term has two sides. First, it shows that Christ Jesus is the Beloved Son. Thus He was addressed from heaven both at His baptism in the Jordan (Matt.3:17) and later on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt.17:5).

But “the Son of God’s love” also indicates that the Son is the one through whom God demonstrates His love. Through the Son and “the blood of the cross” (the emblem of God’s love par excellence!), God will reconcile every creature to Himself (Col. 1:20)!
