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Colossians 1: 12 – The part of the allotment

10-09-2024 - Posted by Hans

… giving thanks to the Father, Who makes you competent for a part of the allotment of the saints, in light.

Paul thanks God the Father for being the One who enables. First He calls and then He qualifies. That order is elementary here. God does not call qualified people, no, He qualifies those He calls. We are constantly guided by the fact that the initiative from beginning to end lies entirely with God.

We read here not only that we are being qualified, but also for what purpose. God qualifies us to share in “the allotment of the saints in light.” The word ‘allotment’ is usually rendered ‘inheritance’. But what the reader misses is that behind the Greek word (kleros) lies the idea of ​​’fate’ and ‘drawing of lots’. So that an ‘inheritance’ is actually an ‘allotment’. And we know that from the Hebrew Bible. For was not the promised land divided by drawing lots among the tribes and families of Israel (Acts 13:19)? The promised land was literally their allotment! It is the same with the allotment of the ecclesia: it is given to us like a lottery ticket. And it is the Father who prepares for our part in it. Thank you Father!
