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Colossians 1: 11 – limitless and sky-high!

10-09-2024 - Posted by Hans

…Being endued with all power, in accord with the might of His glory…

Paul’s prayer shows that his expectation of what God is capable of is limitless. Paul does not appeal to the Colossians or ask for any contribution from them. His entire focus is on GOD alone, realizing what He is capable of. Such is Paul’s own mindset, and he prays the same to the Colossians. It is in that orientation that we are “endued with all power.” GOD provides every kind and degree of strength we need. He knows what we need and He also gives what we need. Always and in every circumstance. Our weakness is no obstacle whatsoever. On the contrary, because it is precisely when we are weak that He can prove His strength! His grace is always sufficient (2Cor.12:9,10).

The criterion that God sets up for this proves that “being endued with all power” is not an exaggeration. He does this “in accord with the might of his glory.” In other words: as great as the strength of His glory is, so great is the power with which He empowers us. If the first knows no boundaries, neither does the second. The sky’s the limit!
