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Colossians 1: 10 – Bearing fruit in every good work

10-09-2024 - Posted by Hans

… to walk worthily of the Lord for all pleasing, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing in the realization of God…

Previously we established that a dignified walk does not refer to the outside appearance of the walker, but to the inside of the walker. What he thinks and speaks in his walk. As David prays that “May the sayings of my mouth be acceptable ad the soliloquy o my heart be pleasing before You…” (Ps.19). Those who appreciate the Lord will want to please Him in everything.

The phrase “…bearing fruit in every good work” is significant because it shows how Paul views the phenomenon of ‘good works’. Such works are not the result of human effort or guilt. Good works cannot be forced out of organizational coercion (’the church says it must be done’).

Good works grow organically as a fruit of awareness, wisdom, insight and appreciation of the Lord. An apple tree naturally produces apples, simply because it conforms to its nature. The only prerequisite is that she receives sufficient light, water and nutrition. It is the same with the believer’s fruit-bearing. Good works follow automatically where life is provided by light, water and nourishment. In other words, by the words of God!
