Colossians 1: 28 – Presenting mature in Christ
10-12-2024 - Posted by Hans… Christ among you, the expectation of glory! Whom we are announcing, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we should be presenting every man mature in Christ Jesus.
By proclaiming Christ among the nations, Paul means three things: (1) to draw every man’s attention, (2) to teach every man in all wisdom, and (3) to make every man mature in Christ. This series is ascending, and the last point contains Paul’s actual motivation.
The word mature (Gr. teleios) is derived from a word (Gr. telos) that means “purpose.” It is often used as the opposite of ‘childlike’ (1Cor.2:6) and refers to ‘maturity’. Anyone who is ‘adult’ is fully grown and has reached the end goal in terms of growth. It is so much perfection as it is fullness.
Paul wanted to “make every person mature in Christ.” This means that everyone would realize that they are complete in Christ and that they also have enough in Him. Paul’s ministry was focused on Christ being all-sufficient. Outside of Him there is nothing of value as in Him “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col.2:3). Christ does not have much to offer, no, everything can be found in Him. In Him the fullness of God dwells bodily and we are complete in Him (Col.2:9,10)!