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Colossians 1: 12 – Giving thanks to the Father Who makes us competent

10-09-2024 - Posted by Hans

… in accord with the might of His glory for all endurance and patience with joy; at the same time giving thanks to the Father, Who makes you competent for a part of the allotment of the saints, in light.

It is not clear whether the words “with joy” still belong to “all endurance and patience” or to “giving thanks to the Father”. It is also possible, of course, that God deliberately formulated the sentence ambiguously. Both readings produce an excellent sentence. For indeed, where we thank the Father, joy is inevitable. In fact, the word for ’thanks’ (Gr. eu-charisteo) already includes ‘joy’ (Gr. charis). Thanking God the Father is an appropriate attitude toward Him who gives us “freely.” But it also makes you happy. Apparently we are made to thank God.

In everything in the prayer that Paul records here, God is the active agent. He fulfills, gives, empowers and enables. He transforms us by his power. He makes us learn to endure and be patient. With joy even. God not only does great things for us, but also to us! To this end He makes us capable and suitable for the purpose He has set for Himself. He does the work and uses us as his instrument.
