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1 Timothy 6:20 – Falsely named ‘knowledge’

10-09-2024 - Posted by Hans

O Timothy, that which is committed to you, guard, turning aside from the profane prattlings and antipathies of falsely named ‘knowledge’.

Timothy would guard the knowledge entrusted to him through Paul. That is the positive approach. Negatively formulated, he would turn away from everything that is wrongly considered ‘knowledge’ (Gr. gnosis). This instruction is also extremely important. Because who among us is not sensitive to what ‘science’ suggests and claims?

Even (and especially) today, a lot is marketed under the banner of ‘knowledge’, but in reality it is only based on reasoning and assumptions. This can be presented very impressively, especially if sound names and academic titles are included. But remember this: any statement that does not take into account GOD and what He has spoken falls by definition under the heading of “profane prattlings”.

Even if, for example, 99% of scientists claim that the universe originated from a big bang or that man descended from monkeys, then that is “falsely named knowledge”. The truth does not care about numbers or titles. Truth is not democratic either. “The fear of YAHWEH is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov.1:7). Indeed, hidden from the wise and prudent, but revealed to minors (Matt.11:25)!
