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1 Timothy 6:15 – The King of kings and Lord of lords

10-07-2024 - Posted by Hans

Unto the advent of our Lord, Christ Jesus, which to its own eras, the happy and only Potentate will be showing: He is King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality

There is a difference of opinion among interpreters as to whether the pronouns in verses 15 and 16 refer to God or to the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 14 clearly points towards the latter. It is the advent  of the Lord Jesus Christ who will demonstrate on a series of occasions who “the happy and only Ruler” is. That is none other than Himself, “the King of kings and Lord of lords.” This title is explicitly assigned to the Lamb that overcomes no less than twice in the book ‘Revelation’ (Rev.17:14; 19:16). He is “the happy and only Potentate” who will successfully destroy all opposing powers on earth. “To its own eras” as it is written. Whatever He will do as Potentate, He will prosper in. That is why He is rightly called “the happy Potentate”. What a difference from two thousand years ago when He stood trial before Pontius Pilate! Then He declared that His Kingdom was not of this world and was led like a lamb to the slaughter. Soon, however, the roles are reversed. Definitively!
