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1 Corinthians 11:1 – Imitators of Christ, like Paul

19-08-2019 - Posted by Andre Piet

Become imitators of me, according as I also am of Christ.

Paul was never a disciple of Jesus on earth. On the contrary. Until a few years after Jesus’ ascension, Saul was the strongest opponent of “the Nazarene.” Until he was called from heaven in dazzling glory, near Damascus. That meeting made everything different. Saul would later write that he was overwhelmed by grace (1 Tim. 1:14). Grace is the key word for the gospel that he was allowed to make known among the nations.

Paul’s imitation of Christ goes literally and figuratively, so much higher than stepping into Jesus’ footsteps on earth. Jesus on earth was a Jew born under the law and sent only to the house of Israel. But Paul was called to go to the nations because of Israel’s unbelief. Paul was also not part of “the twelve.” In his message whether or not being Jewish, or keeping the Sabbath, eating kosher or celebrating days, plays no role whatsoever (Col. 2:16). Paul was entrusted with “the gospel of the uncircumcision” (Gal. 2: 7), a “pagan” gospel.

If we want to imitate Christ as he is today, then we must be with Paul. Just as he imitated Christ, so would we.
